Sunday 16 December 2012

Salve a mae guerreira

"No meu pensamento nao se passou nem um dia,nem uma hora,nem um segundo.E nunca vai passar" Gloria Perez. E com essa frase dita por esta mae guerreira,que comeco este blog. Hoje em dia vemos fotos desta mae sempre com um sorriso no rosto,e quem nao conhece a sua historia,nao sabe da luta constante por justica pela filha tao amada,querida,ela nao perdeu so uma filha nao,ela tambem perdeu um filho,mas ha uma diferenca e grande em se perder um filho porque estava doente e perder um filho nas maos de dois psicopatas. Eu sou mae,e acho que se eu perdesse o meu como ela perdeu a dela eu enlouqueceria e perderia minha vontade de viver,mas ela nao,Gloria arregacou as mangas e foi atras de provas,testemunhas a qual muitas nao queriam falar com medo do que pudesse acontecer com eles,mas ela nao se deixou abalar,chegou a sentar todo santo dia no batente da porta de uma testemunha ate que finalmente conseguiu que eles falassem. Eu ficava me perguntando serao 20 anos sem a Daniella,sera que as emissoras irao fazer homenagens a ela?O quanto foi minha surpresa e raiva,indignacao, quando uma delas resolve fazer a malicia de entrevistar nada mais nada menos que um dos psicopatas que cometeu o crime,a razao de tal entrevista foi nada mais que tentar ganhar ibope,pois o seu estava baixissimo com programas que sao uma verdadeira apelacao para o cerebro humano,o pior de tudo e que o nojento,e dava pra ver claramente, mentia mais do que o demonio em frente a cruz. E ainda tinha um senhor dizendo que o ematoma no rosto da menina tinha sido feito a mais tempo pois estava meio amarelado,e tambem o verme disse que a vitima queria conversar sobre o hematoma no rosto dela,senhoras e senhores,voces acham que se ela ja estivesse com a pancada no rosto a mae,o marido,os coleguas de trabalho e ate o maquiador nao tivessem notado? Ele pensa que somos todos burros nao e mesmo? Ate quando essa mae vai ter que aturar tanta injustica de tantos lados,porque existem tanta gente impocrita e mesquinha que so se sentem bem quando fazem mal aos outros. Gloria Perez eu te aplaudo em pe,levanto a taca e te dou um brinde,pois eu queria ser pelo menos um terco do que voce e. Para quem quiser ler sobre o assassinato frio e covardio de Daniella Perez,favor acessar

Thursday 23 February 2012

Dr Ana Beatriz Barbosa Silva

At about 1 or 2 years ago I joined twitter,and I've found a few people that I liked,until one day,everyone would talk about a book,in English it translate "Dangerous Minds:The psicopat lives next door",unfortunately we don't have it in English yet,but I hope very soon we will.
So when I was in Brazil a few months ago I decided to buy the book to see what the fuzz was all about,it was very informative and I just couldn't put it down,when I finished I went to the bookstore and bought other 3 titles,"Anxious Minds","Hyperactive Minds" and "Bullying- Dangerous Minds in Schools",these are only translated titles from me,please DO NOT take it in the wrong way.
The book and the many other titles was written by a very serious psychiatrist Dr Ana Beatriz Barbosa Silva(you can see her picture),she's an specialist in what I would say peoples minds,Dr Ana Beatriz have lovely members of staff and psychologists working with her and also she have clinics in both Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo in Brazil.
If you would like more information you can check the:,have a look you won't regret.

Sunday 5 September 2010

From the heart

When a New Year starts,you want it to be a blessed and a wonderful year.As the days,weeks and months goes by,you tend to your day to day life,your job,household,your children.
Suddenly something happened that makes you stop and think,and also put your things on hold just for a little while,it caught you by surprise.The loss of a dearest member of the family,a husband/wife,a son/daughter,a brother/sister,he or she was your best friend,or someone you've knew through somebody else.
Doesn't matter how,but you want them to know,how much they mean to you.
Scream if you want to,shout hes/her name out loud until you've got no voice,cry as much as you want to,don't feel embarassed in doing any actions for as silly as it can be,becouse I am sure that wherever he/she is,he/she will be laughing at you and saying "That is the person I knew".
This little text came on my head one night,and I pick it up a pen and that's what came out.Dedicated to everyone whos gone from our world,young or old.
By Sandra McPherson

My job

I work in a secondary school with tenagers from 11 to 18 years old who have autism,down syndrome,etc,it is a very rewarding job,as everyday is a different chalenge,and I love what I do.About Autism,Autism is a lifelong developmental disability.It is part of the autism spectrum and is sometimes referred to as an autism spectrum disorder,or an ASD.The word 'spectrum' is used becouse,while all people with autism share three main areas of difficulty,their condition will affect them in very different ways.Some are able to live relatively 'everyday'lives,others will require a lifetime of specialist support.The three main areas of difficulty wich all people with autism share are sometimes known as the 'triad of impairments',they are:
Difficulty with social communication
Difficulty with social interaction
Difficulty with social imagination

There's much more information about autism and other special needs on many web sites in the internet.


Sometimes when our kids are of school for any kind of reason,holds,sick,dentist,etc,we mothers try to think on something to keep them busy,happy so they don't get bored.Well my little one when hes not well,he cannot play hes XBox,DS or computer games,so he can only watch TV,read a book,or he's toys,so he went in hes wardrobe and found one of he's Lego toys that he's got ages ago,he spent the day building the truck,and in the end of it he was quite happy with himself as he loves construction toys,so he already asked for Christmas most of the Lego Star Wars.I know its so early for such request,but if keeps himself busy,why not.Maybe he will grow up to be an architect or engineer.


On the 11 of August it was the birthday of a beautiful bailarina/actress that unfortunatly was taken from her parents,loved ones and an entire country from the tender age of 22 years old,if she was alive alive she would had been 40 years old this year.She was murdered by a psicopate,self centered,jealous and low life and hes wife,if it was for me and many other people they would still be in jail paying for what they've done.You may ask me why so much devotion,dedication to someone that didn't know me,I can't answer you that, all I can say is that,the first time I've saw her she was dancing in a soap opera and I remember my mum saying "Uau this young lady can really dance,she is as light as a feather" from them on I've tried to see her in whatever she was on,but I had gone to leave abroad and never saw her again.Her legacy leaves on by her mum,who is an incredible woman.The name of the young bailarina/actress Daniella Perez.Gone but never forgotten.


We like travelling around Britain,we try to teach our little one the history of some of the places we visit,not just in here but if we go abroad it is always related of some kind of history/knowledge about the places.This year we went to Tewksberry and we've seen the fields were it happened the war of the roses,also Stratford(Shakespeare land),also Oxford a city full of Universities.