Thursday, 23 February 2012

Dr Ana Beatriz Barbosa Silva

At about 1 or 2 years ago I joined twitter,and I've found a few people that I liked,until one day,everyone would talk about a book,in English it translate "Dangerous Minds:The psicopat lives next door",unfortunately we don't have it in English yet,but I hope very soon we will.
So when I was in Brazil a few months ago I decided to buy the book to see what the fuzz was all about,it was very informative and I just couldn't put it down,when I finished I went to the bookstore and bought other 3 titles,"Anxious Minds","Hyperactive Minds" and "Bullying- Dangerous Minds in Schools",these are only translated titles from me,please DO NOT take it in the wrong way.
The book and the many other titles was written by a very serious psychiatrist Dr Ana Beatriz Barbosa Silva(you can see her picture),she's an specialist in what I would say peoples minds,Dr Ana Beatriz have lovely members of staff and psychologists working with her and also she have clinics in both Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo in Brazil.
If you would like more information you can check the:,have a look you won't regret.

1 comment:

  1. Entro no seu blog para prestigiá-la e o que eu encontro? Uma bela escrita que descreve o trabalho da Ana, que é uma profissional muito querida por mim também.
    Parabéns pela postagem, pela excelente indicação... Estou certa que quem lê a Ana se encanta, assim como o seu blog me encantou.
    Persista neste caminho e escreva mais!
